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Red Agency Theme
This is full responsive theme that uses Bootstrap v. 3.3.5 capabilities. The idea was taken from Mr. Rick Parrish sites. The project has been reworked, improved and expanded.

Theme basic  features:
  1. Adaptive (full responsive) theme.
  2. Animated multilevel drop-down menu.
  3. i18n multi-language support.
  4. 5 ready to use components with i18n support (information generated from pages content).
  5. Animated "pseudo LayerSlider" slide show (information generated from pages content).
  6. Expanded theme settings management in administration page.
  7. 4 prepared color schemes for appearance modification.
Looks like this:
[Image: screenshot.png]
Theme settings can be managed in separate administration page. This requires  „Theme_Settings“ and „Less“ plugins activation (mentioned plugins are included in theme archive). If these plugins not activated - theme will work without them with default settings.
Theme administration page accessible on tab: Theme -> Configure Theme. Page includes 5 areas - one general and 4 additional:
[Image: theme_sett_en-1.JPG]
In the common area you can enter the site owner contact phone (it will appear in the Header). And choose a favorite color scheme from the 4 already prepared color schemes. It is also possible to create unlimited number of your own color schemes using "Theme_Settings" and "Less" possibilities.
Theme comes with 5 ready to use components that extends theme appearance and content  and shows Bootstrap elements usage possibilities. A required component with single mouse click can be connected to your sites or disabled if not needed. Import process to thr GetSimple core performed automatically. More detailed component descriptions can be found through the main menu Shortcodes. On the next block you can also manage an additional feature settings:
[Image: theme_sett_en-2.JPG]
In the block "Bootstrap Carousel slideshow settings“ you can change slideshow basic parameters. And also view the results of animation operation  and select the desired (the code will be generated in a special field).
The last block can be used for manage Javascript codes loading - to connect requared scripts or disable unused. Unnecessary scripts disconnection, as you know, accelerates your site performance.
Theme settings area supports i18n module and supplied with 3 language packs (English, Lithuanian and Russian).

All components of this theme is also compatible with i18n module, ie, they will render information exactly in the language that chosen by the user. Information generated from specialized pages content.
Theme has animated Slide show on the home page, which is realized on Carousel component (pseudo LayerSlider). Also you can add slider where you want (using in example DynPages plugin). Slider data generated from specialized pages content.
Installation instructions:
Download and unzip the archive folder „Red Agency“ to sites  themes folder. Activate theme. Additionally, in order to achieve the theme settings page unzip the archive plugins directory content to the site folder plugins. Activate plugins. You can edit the settings on tab Theme with button Configure Theme.

More detailed description in English, Lithuanian and Russian can be find on my site (see it LIVE):
This looks very promising. What's the licensing? Is this derivative of anything ?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-07-28, 22:31:25)shawn_a Wrote: This looks very promising. What's the licensing? Is this derivative of anything ?

This theme used all free Javascript: Twitter Bootstrap v. 3.3.5; JQuery, WOW, PrettyPhoto, etc.
For Slideshow elements animate free licensed CSS library Animate.CSS
Theme appereance use few looks from mister Parrish analogically named theme. Besides your theme announced also free to use.
So, I think with licensing everithing must be OK.
Ok so this is original theme by you.
Who is rick parrish ? lol
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-07-28, 23:22:06)shawn_a Wrote: Ok so this is original theme by you.
Who is rick parrish ? lol

I think his programmer (his nick in GS forum is lakaroth).
Its theme was announced here in the forum at the following address:
There he promised to publish the subject code for public use. But his promises not fulfilled till now. Therefore, I have done this job for him. Because I liked his theme looks.  Wink
Besides my own theme I have improved, extends and remade on the basis.
ohhh, ok yeah I never saw that theme uploaded.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
carousel component throws fatal error, missing i18n check
$mycont = return_i18n_page_data($ablock);
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
overwrites components on import, you should either use prefixed names for component import and also do exist checks.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Fieldsets legend expanders are janky in chrome, arrows are repeated backgrounds
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Also you should stick your phone in a class="widesec" div
and add a clearfix after the rightsec or stick the fieldsets in a widesec also.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-07-29, 01:58:37)shawn_a Wrote: Also you should stick your phone in a class="widesec" div
and add a clearfix after the rightsec or stick the fieldsets in a widesec also.

OK. I understand... This version is new (like beta). In nearest time I will try to correct this bugs.
Thank you for your time and attention.
No problem, looking good for first version.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
shawn_aFieldsets legend expanders are janky in chrome, arrows are repeated backgrounds

I apply class "widesec" to site phone and all fieldsets divs.
And add missing i18n check to components so errors now will not throws.

Fieldsets legend expanders works on Javascript code, Strange, but I now check them with Firefox, Chrome v 44 and even with IE 6 - everything works good.

About "overwrites components on import" - here I do not quite understand what you mean. Importing logic are next:
Components are imported when on settings page selected component checkbox are selected. If component checkbox is not selected and settings are saved all this component code removed from GS core. So, I see no meaning verify its existence.
And what about prefixed names? What prefix using be the best for this components?
You pugin overwrites my components.
my gallery component, my tab component all destroyed by importing.

It would be nice if it used non common names for components, so you do not overwrite users components.


I will see if a plugin is conflicting with the expanders on my side.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Is the component naming intentional, will it use your existing components if they already exist ?
I didn't test that.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Seems very clean and comprehensive, nice work !
Black holes occur when God divides by zero

which plugins i need to use this theme ?

If i install the theme and I18N componets i can get from extend it does not work correct (slider no function/carousel not found)
etc. can you addl ist of plugins i need to use this ?

And for example add "slider" pictures to the theme too.

Hope you can help.
is it correct that we need this plugin too??

i wasn´t include in the thme and not online on

Hope you can help.
(2015-07-29, 03:45:24)shawn_a Wrote: You pugin overwrites my components.
my gallery component, my tab component all destroyed by importing.

It would be nice if it used non common names for components, so you do not overwrite users components.


I will see if a plugin is conflicting with the expanders on my side.

OK. I will correct all observed errors.
Components for now will importing with 'Ra_'  prefix.
I changed the archive file in repository with solved version.
Thanks for help.
(2015-07-29, 05:47:49)phpman Wrote: Hello,

which plugins i need to use this theme ?

If i install the theme and I18N componets i can get from extend it does not work correct (slider no function/carousel not found)
etc. can you addl ist of plugins i need to use this ?

And for example add "slider" pictures to the theme too.

Hope you can help.

Hi. All requared plugins included in theme archyve.
Bootstrap, JQuery, WOW and etc is also included.
For theme settings administration page reguare: 'Theme_settings' and 'Less' plugins (also included in theme archyve).
Theme works without him with default settings.
All components use your site pages data for content generating. So in order to use them you must create requared pages first.
Carousel slideshow calling from theme template.php with code:

<?php get_component_with_params('ra-carousel', array(array( 'slider-1', 'slider-2', 'slider-3', 'slider-4', 'slider-5' ))); ?>
slider-1, slider-2, etc - is pages slugs which I create on my site.
All components (and other elements) detailed description you can find on my page:
Theme version changed to v. 0.2
1. Corrected founded errors.
2. To archyve added „Carousel LayerSlider Demo“ folder (for educational purposes).
3. Add install.txt with elements descriptions.

„Carousel LayerSlider Demo“ will allow you to use already prepared Slideshow presentation, like on my site (English only).
To use them unzip the archive folder „Carousel LayerSlider Demo“ content to:
1. Folder "data/pages" content to your site "data/pages" folder;
2. Folder "uploads" content to your site "uploads" folder.
Now go to the theme settings page and enable all requared components and Javascripts.
SlideShow works automaticaly like on my site if your Home page used "Default Template" for Page template (tempate.php file). You can use pages "Slider-1", "Slider-2", "Slider-3", "Slider-4", "Slider-5" for learning like exercise templates for your own Sliders creation.

Notice: I replaced all images absolute path to relative in all above pages, so Slideshow should work correctly in all domain types.
sorry but i have problems again. The function you wrote "configure theme" i can only add phone number and change von "default to red or green" no other functions available like your demo page and informations.

The same slider works on your demo page correct if i use version from the extend v0.2 it does not show correct.

Can you help?
Theme updated to Version 0.2.1
Fixed bug with collapsed frames.

now i install on server (not local) and i copy all to a new GS 3.3.5 installation but the slider does not really shown correct total wrong high of the slider. On Local installation (0.1) works only one slider wrong parameters are correct.

What i have to modify that it works again ?

Hope you can help.
(2015-08-24, 01:30:25)phpman Wrote: Hi,

now i install on server (not local) and i copy all to a new GS 3.3.5 installation but the slider does not really shown correct total wrong high of the slider. On Local installation (0.1) works only one slider wrong parameters are correct.

What i have to modify that it works again ?

Hope you can help.

Do not quite understand where to you can be a problem. I tried installation on different types of servers several times. I've got everything worked as expected.
And actually I can help you only when see your GS administration page. If you want you can send me admin access with personal message.

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