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Dominion Blog/News system
Show all Blog entries
Show all News entries
Title Date
Current Groups
can be included in the language file
whether it is possible to change something so that when you click in the sidebar on the transition was the blog page and not in contact for example
Oleg06 Wrote:Show all Blog entries
Show all News entries
Title Date
Current Groups
can be included in the language file

New version for language : Version 0.4a

Added the following..

$dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_BLOGS'] = 'Blogs';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_CSS'] = 'CSS';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_SETTINGS'] = 'Settings';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_BUTTON_SAVE'] = 'Save';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_BUTTON_SAVE_GROUP'] = 'Save Group';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_LINK_DELETE_GROUP'] = 'Delete This Group';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_LINK_ADD_GROUP'] = 'Add Group';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_LINK_ADD_BLOG'] = 'Add New Blog';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_LINK_DELETE'] = 'Delete';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_LINK_SHOW_ALL_BLOGS'] = 'Show all Blog entries';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_LINK_SHOW_ALL_NEWS'] = 'Show all News entries';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_GRID_TITLE'] = 'Title';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_GRID_DATE'] = 'Date';
  $dominion_blog_general['SYSTEM_ITEM_CURRENT_GROUPS'] = 'Current Groups';

Hope it helps

FILE REMOVED - Look at end of forum for latest file
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
whether it is possible to make the sidebar show up a short news text under the heading, displaying 2 news, and when you click on a link Show all News entries takes you to a page with news
Oleg06 Wrote:whether it is possible to change something so that when you click in the sidebar on the transition was the blog page and not in contact for example

I am sorry Oleg, but I am struggling to understand correctly (I struggle to speak English today).

Do you mean that if you click on News item in Sidebar that it must not replace the current active pages contents but post the news item in the sidebar ? Or below the active pages contents ?

Sorry for not understanding today..
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Oleg06 Wrote:whether it is possible to make the sidebar show up a short news text under the heading, displaying 2 news, and when you click on a link Show all News entries takes you to a page with news


Yes if I understand correctly you want the excerpt part of the news item to be shown ? in siderbar for news items ?

That I can do easily yes, had like that in beginning, me quickly do now
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Oleg06 Wrote:whether it is possible to make the sidebar show up a short news text under the heading, displaying 2 news, and when you click on a link Show all News entries takes you to a page with news

Okay new version : 0.4b

Added in language file

$dominion_blog_general['SETTINGS_NUM_NEWS_ITEMS'] = 'Number News Items to Show';
  $dominion_blog_general['SETTINGS_NUM_BLOG_ITEMS'] = 'Number Blog Items to Show';

Aded control on how many items for news and blogs must show (NEWS items are those in the sidebar)

I will also add config to say if Excerpts must be shown in news list yes or no in new version later

FILE REMOVED - Look at end of forum for latest file
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
there is a specific process to install this plugin on GS ?
Oleg06 Wrote:whether it is possible to make the sidebar show up a short news text under the heading, displaying 2 news, and when you click on a link Show all News entries takes you to a page with news

Okay.. New version : 0.4c

Now you can configure if you want short part to show in news list items or not.

Added to language file :

$dominion_blog_general['SETTINGS_SHOW_SHORT_IN_NEWS'] = 'Show Excerpt in news list';

Now I must go work on other project. sorry.

FILE REMOVED - Please check end of forum for latest file
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
El-Cherubin Wrote:there is a specific process to install this plugin on GS ?

Just unzip into plugins folder, then configure and create blog items under the
Pages -> Dominion Blog link

Hope it helps.

Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
El-Cherubin Wrote:there is a specific process to install this plugin on GS ?

Sorry, you will get rest of instructions in the config page. It shows you all need to do for blog to show on the page you want to show, or if you want to make the blog GROUP a news one you can use the php code that it shows you to add to the sidebar, then it will be like news list.

Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
El-Cherubin Wrote:there is a specific process to install this plugin on GS ?

O yes.. remember to enable the Plugin at top of config page there is tickbox to enable it. This is by default of to save server resources.

Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
For some reason all the broken
does not work in admin setting
I see it does not have number of lines per newsfeed or blog saved undersettings and also it does not save it if you put it in.

can you please enable debug so that I can see why it does not want to save on your server please.

this is the problem, just settings not correctly saved.

Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Oleg06 Wrote:For some reason all the broken
does not work in admin setting

sorry I see that debug is on.

can you please send me this file on your system


Maybe there is more info there.

Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Works fine for me Smile I'm using version 0.4c and its great.. Cheers!
dominionit Wrote:
Oleg06 Wrote:For some reason all the broken
does not work in admin setting

sorry I see that debug is on.

can you please send me this file on your system


Maybe there is more info there.

[18-ѕЪв-2010 13:59:50] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  subject in /home/cp068800/public_html/ on line 442
[18-ѕЪв-2010 14:15:59] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  show_short_in_news in /home/cp068800/public_html/ on line 263
[18-ѕЪв-2010 14:19:33] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  show_short_in_news in /home/cp068800/public_html/ on line 263
[18-ѕЪв-2010 14:22:34] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  show_short_in_news in /home/cp068800/public_html/ on line 263
Hi there. Seems the 0.4c did not install correctly.Can you please try to reinstall otherwise
please delete the .CFG file under


Hope this helps.

Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
fixed this, now I can not add news, obtained =Blog Title

Try the main page click on "Show all the news and see that the title will remain the main page
if I want to make 300 entries in one group, then they will all be on one page? This is not good
Oleg06 Wrote:fixed this, now I can not add news, obtained =Blog Title
Try the main page click on "Show all the news and see that the title will remain the main page

Hi there. I replace the contents of what ever page you are active on. I will change it to have heading below page heading that says NEWS ITEMS or something like that to show that it is the news items that is currently being shown.
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Oleg06 Wrote:if I want to make 300 entries in one group, then they will all be on one page? This is not good

I will add navigation for news and blogs. Will the navigation that I added when you click on news item work ? but I then just show 5 at time or how many you want shown at time via config ?
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Oleg06 Wrote:fixed this, now I can not add news, obtained =Blog Title
Try the main page click on "Show all the news and see that the title will remain the main page

I see the problem on your system. Can you please send the errors.log file again for me ? I want to see what happens at back ?

(something like that).

IF we dont come right :
Do you think you can remove all the files and folders under
and the file

NOTE that this will delete all your current blogs and news items. But we need fresh install.

Can you maybe send me your russian language file ? So I can test on my system with it ? Maybe somewhere it goes funny with it ?

Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
I did everything as you said, but I can not save the news

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