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Security Problem
I follwed the security info on page: "" and now it wont accept my user name and password to login to admin.

Maybe im doing it wrong or something:

This is what i did:

1/ downloaded "gsconfig.php" to my desktop
2/ scrolled down to "#define('GSLOGINSALT', 'your_unique_phrase');"
3/ removed the"#" and replaced "your_unique_phrase" with the getsimple website API

4/ Then i scrolled down to:"#define('GSUSECUSTOMSALT', 'your_new_salt_value_here');"
and repeated the process

i could do with some help please...Thankyou...
It's possibly a cookie problem or a password manager problem. Try clearing cookies for your GS site.

If that doesn't fix it, it may be an invalid string you have used for your salt values. Try uncommenting the DEBUG line and see if GS throws up any errors.

If that doesn't work, we'll need to see the actual lines you have edited. Cut and paste them into your reply. Obviously, that will expose them to everyone here so you will need to change them afterwards.
Was your site already live? If so... i think i might have to change the docs to say only to do this on a non-setup site.

There are easy ways to get things back to the way you want them to work though - try resetting your password and clearing your browser cache. If that doesn't work, just comment out those new lines in gsconfig.php and things should work as planned.
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
I am New here form India,Just in on this wonderful forum have read some of good discussions here and, and so thought to join in as Member.
I hope you all will welcome me and help me in learning about new concept and my query here.Thanks.
Im really sorry i didnt get back to your replires as i was very busy..Thankyou for your answers :-)

I think ive sovled the problem..i didnt remove the # from the

#define('GSUSECUSTOMSALT', 'your_new_salt_value_here');
i need to open this thread again. i have same problem.
installing get-simple CMS local (LAMPP), changing user passwd works fine.
login / logout anything worked.
After adding security "salt" no login allowed...
my salts are:
define('GSLOGINSALT', 'xDUsoD%5=awCoRwCc_lAAm4XNX0ko1lJ+AGvYD|gAYlI Ov6=d0Fb4E');
define('GSUSECUSTOMSALT', 'g%7YBtLLcjFze9eJo8|aM6yS8KF2P |OJItH0d-ndx7m9|uS*^~EODU');
# Default thumbnail width of uploaded image
define('GSIMAGEWIDTH', '200');

is activ in gsconfig.php
after commend them out (#) login worked again...
so whats wrong with that setup/salt?
can someone please help me?
You cannot login onto your account after you turn on the salt feature, because your SH1 password was generated from a string w/o the salt.
Try to generate a SH1 password using your salt, and edit the file with your login data.
You will find plenty generators on the web, but don't forget to use a simple pass during the process, which you will change later to your own in admin panel.
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ok. thank you. i'll try that
hello, again...
how so i generate that password with my salt?

just generate sha1 from my password and copy it after my salt? or before?
or generate sha1 from salt + password?
if have found that sha generator:
There is now a wiki entry on how to change to a salted login:

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