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Mass mail (Newsletter) plugin
I made upon requirement from a customer this mass mail (Newsletter) plugin.

It is pretty straight forward and the only thing you need to do except from installing the plugin, is to add following code to the page.

<?php get_mass_mail_form(); ?>

Consider this as a Beta I have not tested it out fully yet.

It has language support and it determines what language you use in the admin section, checks if that language is installed in the plugin, if not it uses standard en_US.

Hope you will enjoy it.


New files are uploaded, this works probably better.

Added stripslashes if magic quotes is enabled
everything just disappears
Hi and thx..

Breaking CMS and and page... not working

alexx86 Wrote:I made upon requirement from a customer this mass mail (Newsletter) plugin.

It is pretty straight forward and the only thing you need to do except from installing the plugin, is to add following code to the page.

<?php echo get_mass_mail_form()?>

Consider this as a Beta I have not tested it out fully yet.

It has language support and it determines what language you use in the admin section, checks if that language is installed in the plugin, if not it uses standard en_US.

Hope you will enjoy it.
I have tested it on two different setups and it works, strange. What is your problem?
need to invest in a folder LANG language file which is CMS
Works fine! One thing i can't type in any styling
<p style="background-color:red;">hello world<p>
cause the quotes will be backslashed. Like \" . Do you know how to make them normal when the mail is send? Cause then i can style the email.

Great plugin!
rogerstreets Wrote:Works fine! One thing i can't type in any styling
<p style="background-color:red;">hello world<p>
cause the quotes will be backslashed. Like \" . Do you know how to make them normal when the mail is send? Cause then i can style the email.

Great plugin!
If that is return from some string, try stripslashes($string);
Thanks, stripslashes works indeed!
Thanks! working..
Could someone answer couple questions ?
1. Are messages encoded in base64, and have proper utf-8 encoding (proper ü,ś etc. letters, instead of shrubs) ? Otherwise I'll have to tweak function responsible of sending message, and try to fix encoding.

2. are all e-mails added through input field on website (<?php echo get_mass_mail_form()?>) managable in admin panel ?

3. can users unsubscribe by entering their e-mail address again ?
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
hi how can i remove subscribers email?
mannonero Wrote:hi how can i remove subscribers email?
If you can't do it from within administration panel, you can always edit manually file containing list of subscribers, located in other/massmail.xml
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
works fine Smile
Bravo ! Très bon plugin !
Bon boulot.
for "Subscribers", Do you do an update?
Tell me please, and how to configure this plugin to subscribers received letters in the encoding windows-1251?
Maybe I was not properly formulated the previous question, but the fact is that when we send emails to subscribers, they come in a confusing coding and accounts in your mail client manually encode text messages.
All agreed, thank you.
I've installed the plugin but i'm not able to find how to use and realize the mail .
Someone can help me about this ?
may be is a very easy operation but i've not found ( at now ) instructions about this interesting plug in.
Thanks at all
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
What have you achieved with this plugin ?
It's installation is very simple.
Just upload all files into /plugins directory on the server, add below code somewhere in your template
<?php get_mass_mail_form(); ?>

It should be manageable under plugins page.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
thank you ( an other time ) yojoe but where i must place that code ?
after that how can i create and manage my newsletter to send at all users ?
if there is somewhere a documentation about this plug in i read it with very pleasure.
thank for answer also if i've not understood very well and i'm sorry for this because you have explained to me in other post in a wonderful mode the solution.

p.s. i've tried to put that code ( <?php get_mass_mail_form(); ?> ) on the top of theme taht i use but it says that is impossible to open the template php.
may be that the permiss of this file must be at 777 ??

re bye

p.p.s for the managing of plugins i've seen that the only plug in that has the possibility to manage is only this and others ( how image gallery etc are not abled to this ) but when i click on this it appear that there are not subscribers and i do not found where to manage or create the subsribers and also where to create the newsletter ( i hope that there is the possibility to crate an html mail that i can modify and to send when is necessary )

re re bye
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
Hello I installed your plugins and after them I cannot save any page (only white screen). Second problem is broken css after install.
Plugin looks perfect but I must found where are these problems.
hello vexcor but you are able to create and to send mail ? i do not reach to do this operation.. the only thing is the label on plugin manager that say there i've no subscribers and is correct but i do not know how to add subscribers or how to create the mail to send at them.
After this question.. someone know if there are some limits to send newsletter? i ask this because i'll have more o 10.000 addresses.
thanks to all can help me.
In the template i've tried to insert the code suggested but do not happen nothing.
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
yojoe Wrote:
mannonero Wrote:hi how can i remove subscribers email?
If you can't do it from within administration panel, you can always edit manually file containing list of subscribers, located in other/massmail.xml

I do not have the massmail.xml in my folder other .
my installation of this plug in has been how all other installations and it appear the label on plugin manager but no other ...
i've tried to insert the php code <?php get_mass_mail_form(); ?> on template that i use ( pixelstudio getsimple.. for me is a good theme and is free ) but after that operation has disappeared all and so i've had to remove that form template code.. i've putted on the begin of template and also in the middle in a next try.
thanks at all
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
i continue to try to use thsi plug in and in the time i've translated the en_US.php in Italian if someone need it is here.

to install it i've only uploaded on folder lang of gsmassmail plugin and i've modified at line 33 form en_US.php at it_IT.php

But I continue to be not able to use this plug in.
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
Hello dangerin,
problem is not direct in plugin, insert plugin to template work great, plugin send emails and users can subscribe via webpage form.
Problem is what plugin cause in getsimple. If I installed plugin, it cause that whole fontend and backend has broken css. Second problem is, that if I want to save any other pages (for example changes in index page) I will only see white page instead back redirect to backend. If I delete plugin, site works without problem (css is correct, I can save pages, redirect to backend work). I mean that problem will be in used function, some dependencies with getsimple system have problem. In other cases plugin is what I want and I think that you made what most of users from here need. In attachment you have czech translation.

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