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News Manager

Something weird happens to dates. I got something like this:

Published on {TueAMEDTE_May-0400RMayAMEDT}

Also I miss link to go back to news list.
BTW: I think I'll prepare Polish language set to this plugin when I find some timeSmile
Can anyone else confirm this? I can't reproduce this on my own setup. Does this apply to posts previously created with the 1.x version or also new ones?
New added news. There was nothing like this with plugin v1. I have uninstalled older one first.
How is your DATE_FORMAT defined (check your language file in /admin/lang/)?
"DATE_FORMAT" => "j.m.Y", //please keep short
"DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT" => "j.m.Y - G:i",

I use Polish localization file.
No translation site
how to change the date format?
@blazejs: I'm sorry but I don't know how I can help you. Dates are formatted using the GS built-in shtDate function, so there's nothing wrong there. Maybe it's something else, possibly not News Manager related. Can you check if this happens on a clean GetSimple installation too?
@Oleg06: What do you mean with "no translation site"? You can change the data & time format in /path/to/getsimple/admin/lang/LANGUAGE.php. Look for the variables "DATE_FORMAT" and "DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT".
The problem with the {}'s appearing and the date being messed up might be due to the cURL-module not being installed, same thing happened to me. Check your website's health status.
So this is server-side problem? How can I check that out? I'm just a designer, not programmerSmile
blazejs Wrote:So this is server-side problem? How can I check that out? I'm just a designer, not programmerSmile

create an info.php stand alone page, paste there
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
upload it on your hosting account, launch this page in your browser, and search if cURL support is enabled on your webserver.

edit: just tried on a fresh installl with PL translation, and the date being shown is:
Published on May 17, 2011
so it's not a problem with translation, although date format isn't being taken from GS translation file.

I'd suggest to add a translatable format date inside newsmanager translation file, as news could have separate date format from GS date.

I'll try to mess with rewrite rules, but I doubt I will succeed as the script has to support this feature.

and for the news management, I'd split newsmanager config from posting news, as every content management functionality should be accessbile under pages tab.
Don't forget that non-technical users, who shouldn't get access to some pages, won't have access to plugins tab definitely.

btw. is it possible to have multiple instances of newsmanager ?
Because with tag and latest news listing feature it could easily start becoming a simple blog plugin as well.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
It says:
cURL support enabled

I have checked out also <?php get_page_date('F jS, Y'); ?> inside template and it returns date in proper format (Published on May 17th, 2011)

Even more, I have checked out dates in posts xml files and it's also OK.
do not have this option DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT
so need to write? "DATE" => "d.m.Y",
I have translated, but the site does not appear - "Published on" and "Tags"
@roog: Great plugin!

Unfortunately the sidebar is not working for me ;(
With DEBUG on nm_sidebar_function() is throwing next error ...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function nm_sidebar_function() in C:\www\admin\inc\theme_functions.php (583) : eval()'d code on line 2

And why does the News items suppressing the page content of the page To Display Posts iso adding News items to the page?
Rene Wrote:Unfortunately the sidebar is not working for me ;(
With DEBUG on nm_sidebar_function() is throwing next error ...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function nm_sidebar_function() in C:\www\admin\inc\theme_functions.php (583) : eval()'d code on line 2

I think you misunderstood the instructions on the demo page. First, with theme template I meant the template files in your current theme path and not /admin/inc/theme_functions.php. For example, if you were to use the Innovation theme, then you'll find those template files in /theme/Innovation/. Second, nm_sidebar_function() is not an existing sidebar function, it is just an example. You should replace it with one of the actually implemented functions such as nm_list_recent() or nm_list_archives(). I'll update the description on the demo site to make it clearer.

Rene Wrote:And why does the News items suppressing the page content of the page To Display Posts iso adding News items to the page?

That seemed like the most logical thing to me, that is: having a seperate (empty) page on which you display all your articles.
Yes! I did it! I finally figured out how to implement Fancy URLs. It still requires a little manual intervention, but I think i managed to do it in the most simple way possible. Update to the new version 2.1.0 and see for yourself. I'll update the demo page to include a short howto on mod_rewrite rules for the News Manager plugin.
gimx Wrote:Hello,

I have a little problem with this plugin... I write a news and I save it. I'm redirected on this page :

[Image: screenshotnews.png]

And the news is not saved.

I use GS 2.03.1 (and I can't upgrade) and "articles" directory is writable.

Thanks for help Smile


I have solved my problem. Finally I upgrade GS and News Manager. News are saved but... I have another problem now...

The sidebar don't appear in my news template Sad

:-D I like your question mark!

To use the sidebar functions, you have to edit and your theme template file. For example, if you are using the Innovation theme, open /themes/Innovation/sidebar.php and add them somewhere between the <aside> tags. For example:

<aside id="sidebar">
<?php nm_list_recent(); ?>
Hello Roog,

My news template code :

<div id="container">
      <div id="content">
        <?php get_page_content(); ?>
        <?php show_articles(); ?>
      <div id="sidebar">
        <?php get_component('sidebar'); ?>

It's the same as template.php but I add show_articles().

When I display a "normal" page (contact, index, etc...) which use template.php, all work. When I display news page, the sidebar don't appear.

Firebug with a page (you see the sidebar div) :


Firebug with news template (sidebar div is not here) :

gimx, are you using version 2.x? If you do, get rid of the line with show_articles(), that only applies to version 1.x.

Please put the following code in your news template and tell me if it works:

<div id="container">
  <div id="content">
    <?php get_page_content(); ?>
  <div id="sidebar">
    <?php get_component('sidebar'); ?>
    <?php nm_list_recent(); ?>

Btw, with version 2.x you no longer have to use a seperate template for your news page, just choose your news page via the News Manager settings panel. For more info, see here.
roog Wrote:gimx, are you using version 2.x? If you do, get rid of the line with show_articles(), that only applies to version 1.x.

Ok ! Sorry, I don't know this fact with version 2.

All work now, thanks Smile

just installed the new 2.1.0 of your plugin and I'm impressed. You rock. This is the most complete blogging extension for GS. Installing was a breeze. Your reputation just went up a point for your efforts.

Got a request, even though you only just now got FancyURLs working: will it be possible to use page slugs instead/in addition of/to post ids as URL?

Anyway, keep up the good work!
Thanks polyfragmented, much appreciated!

About your request, that seems to be a common one as several others have asked me this before. So I'll look into it and probably include it in the upcoming version.

I did a german translation, but I cannot find this string to translate

<< Go back to the previous page

where is this string located?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Thanks for your translation! I'll include it in the current release right away. The string you mentioned is located in news_manager/inc/site.php and gets printed when viewing a post on the front-end part of your site.

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