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GetSimple 3.0Beta in need of Testers #3... Final Call!
Ok, so final answers:

1. We need to find a way to add GSEDITORLANG to the language file without breaking anyone who is using the gsconfig.php setting (which should be the final say - not the language file). (we can either fix this for 3.0 or leave it for 3.1... doesn't matter to me)
2. Lets add 4 or 5 CKEditor languages to the SVN to make it easy for the major languages. Right now, i think the list should be: Espanol, German, French, Polish, Italian, Russian, English.
3. Just as before, GS will not ship with any GS language files except en_US.php

Also: MikeH: I will look into that IE9 bug (i don't agree with yojoe that we shouldn't support it. IE9 is close enough to release that it's rendering isnt going to change much once it gets released). It is definitely something we need to take care of so let me know if there are any other IE9 things that aren't looking right. I can't install it here as I need to keep IE8 for work purposes. As for the filebrowser giving you a 404 - Cna you try the latest build and report back if you still have problems?
- Chris
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GetSimple 3.0Beta in need of Testers #3... Final Call! - by ccagle8 - 2011-03-17, 23:43:25

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