The only way to see the thumbs for me is to rely on the GS thumbs auto creation function upon upload, and change the code
Otherwise I get links like
which just don't work. This code should firstly call thumb.php from /admin/inc and then output html code in my opinion.
I mentioned this problem, but now wonder what is wrong. Unfortunately I can't compare gsg 2.0 on GS2.3.1 with gsg 2.5.3 on GSv3b, because I deleted it accidentally some time ago
ahhh btw. did anyone manage to get gsg galleries working with mvlcek's i18 custom fields plugin ?
$gal .= '<a href="'.$SITEURL.'data/uploads/'. $image['image'] .'" title="'. htmlspecialchars($image['caption']) .'" '.$reltype.$styleclass.'><img alt="'.htmlspecialchars($image['caption']).'" src="'.$SITEURL.'admin/inc/thumb.php?src='. $image['image'] .'&dest=../../'.GSG_RELFOLDERPATH.'thumbs/thumbmed.'. $image['image'] .'&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a>';
$gal .= '<a href="'.$SITEURL.'data/uploads/'. $image['image'] .'" title="'. htmlspecialchars($image['caption']) .'" '.$reltype.$styleclass.'><img alt="'.htmlspecialchars($image['caption']).'" src="'.$SITEURL.'data/thumbs/thumbsm.'. $image['image'] .'" class="sqr_img" /></a>';
I mentioned this problem, but now wonder what is wrong. Unfortunately I can't compare gsg 2.0 on GS2.3.1 with gsg 2.5.3 on GSv3b, because I deleted it accidentally some time ago
ahhh btw. did anyone manage to get gsg galleries working with mvlcek's i18 custom fields plugin ?
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad