I ask you really to document the use of your plugin at the extend/Plugin-list
you started to enter some text but did not finish it
people are lost when they want to use your plugin
and the discussion here in the thread is really frightening..
so doubts arise whether this plugin is functionable at all
why no readme.txt in the ZIP????????
that costs no money but saves frustration
in my opinion, this plugin is an example of bad documentation, bad uploading (why 2 versions at the extend list?), missing knowledge about timezones, code pages etc. (The world is more than MacDonalds and USA ;=)
forgive my anger, but I just checked that plugin because there was a frustrated user claiming the missing documentation
EDIT: Sorry for my harsh words, but I was frustrated (as a non anglo-saxon-speaker with a language with umlauts... and fighting against bad codepages etc. since first years in the net, 1993 ... )
I ask you really to document the use of your plugin at the extend/Plugin-list
you started to enter some text but did not finish it
people are lost when they want to use your plugin
and the discussion here in the thread is really frightening..
so doubts arise whether this plugin is functionable at all
why no readme.txt in the ZIP????????
that costs no money but saves frustration
in my opinion, this plugin is an example of bad documentation, bad uploading (why 2 versions at the extend list?), missing knowledge about timezones, code pages etc. (The world is more than MacDonalds and USA ;=)
forgive my anger, but I just checked that plugin because there was a frustrated user claiming the missing documentation
EDIT: Sorry for my harsh words, but I was frustrated (as a non anglo-saxon-speaker with a language with umlauts... and fighting against bad codepages etc. since first years in the net, 1993 ... )
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