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Issue with ampersand in website title
Hi Cris,

I'm having an issue with the use of a ampersand in the website title.

Consider we've got this new client: Barnes & Noble! Smile

// My little test script, pulled together from various sources in GetSimple
// data from form 'website settings'
$_POST['sitename'] = 'Barnes & Noble';

// @function cl (basic.php, line 202)
function cl($data) {
    $data = stripslashes(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($data, ENT_QUOTES)));
    return $data;

$SITENAME = cl($_POST['sitename']);

// create new site data file (settings.php, line 98)
$ufile = 'website.xml';
//createBak($ufile, $path, $bakpath);
$xmls = @new SimpleXMLElement('<item></item>');
$xmls->addChild('SITENAME', $SITENAME);

// The result is a (suppressed) warning: function addChild() is nagging about the '&' in the data
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild() [function.SimpleXMLElement-addChild]: unterminated entity reference Noble in C:\www\vhosts\localhost\prev15~.php on line 18

// The resulting file 'website.xml'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<item><SITENAME>Barnes </SITENAME></item>

Mr. Nobel won't be very pleased with us! :/

Is there a special need for performing such rigorous cleaning of HTML entities? In my humble view, the use of htmlspecialchars() would be sufficient for this type of data.

// @function cl (basic.php, line 202)
function cl($data) {
    $data = stripslashes(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($data)));
    return $data;

Aside from this little issue, I'm very, Very, VERY pleased with your nice and simple CMS! Smile

- Leo

Messages In This Thread
Issue with ampersand in website title - by Pisces - 2009-10-22, 14:39:30
Issue with ampersand in website title - by Alexey - 2009-10-22, 17:50:47

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