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A little tips to get started
Thanks for the info, there is one other script I want to implement, the Cu3er. Problem with this script is that the file path can't be directly edited. It's embedded in another file. The following are the only code that I need to implement as part of the template PHP file. However, the config.xml and cu3er.swf both need to be in the same directory as that of this file and expressInstall.swf is in another directory.
Which file should I edited the default path of these files? I think they are hidden in one of the two JS files attached below.

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/assets/js/swfobject/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        var flashvars = {};
        flashvars.xml = "config.xml";
        flashvars.font = "font.swf";
        var attributes = {};
        attributes.wmode = "transparent"; = "slider";
        swfobject.embedSWF("cu3er.swf", "cu3er-container", "960", "400", "9", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, attributes);
      <div class="cu3er_resize">
        <div id="cu3er-container"><a href=""> <img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></div>

Messages In This Thread
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-03-13, 00:20:28
A little tips to get started - by ccagle8 - 2011-03-13, 00:31:10
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-03-13, 01:08:27
A little tips to get started - by Connie - 2011-03-13, 03:08:26
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-07, 14:05:03
A little tips to get started - by Connie - 2011-05-07, 16:01:22
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-07, 16:46:11
A little tips to get started - by Connie - 2011-05-07, 22:40:15
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-10, 17:40:46
A little tips to get started - by Connie - 2011-05-10, 18:05:26
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-10, 18:47:33
A little tips to get started - by yojoe - 2011-05-10, 19:58:05
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-10, 21:04:49
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-10, 21:07:55
A little tips to get started - by Connie - 2011-05-10, 21:39:36
A little tips to get started - by mvlcek - 2011-05-10, 21:48:31
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-18, 15:38:51
A little tips to get started - by yojoe - 2011-05-18, 23:11:56
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-22, 17:24:22
A little tips to get started - by angelazou - 2011-05-25, 13:51:17

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