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Plugin | Simple Analytics
ok solved by myself.
There is a bug in GetSimple 3.0 with the back-end hook "settings-cpsettings".
I've just re-downloaded the last version from the website and searched for this damned hook in all admin php files but I can't find it.

according to what you can see here
in the line 155 from 163 in settings.php there must be the following lines of code:

// create new cpsettings data file
$ufile = 'cp_settings.xml';
createBak($ufile, $path, $bakpath);
$xmlc = @new SimpleXMLElement('<item></item>');
$xmlc->addChild('HTMLEDITOR', @$HTMLEDITOR);
$xmlc->addChild('PRETTYURLS', @$PRETTYURLS);
$xmlc->addChild('PERMALINK', @$PERMALINK);
XMLsave($xmlc, $path . $ufile);

but in my settings.php (I just want to remember that I'm working in a fresh and new downloaded version of GetSimple 3.0) I CANT FIND THESE lines of code.

so I just added "exec_action('settings-cpsettings');" (in my case what i'm damned loocking for) and..."tadaaaa" it works finally!

plz fix these bug as soos as possible.

P.S. sorry for my bad english Tongue

Messages In This Thread
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by crashfellow - 2010-03-03, 20:59:35
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by internet54 - 2010-03-04, 02:51:51
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by modulok30 - 2010-03-16, 02:49:13
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by Zegnåt - 2010-03-16, 02:58:32
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by modulok30 - 2010-03-16, 03:17:10
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by Zegnåt - 2010-03-16, 04:19:30
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by crashfellow - 2010-03-16, 08:00:19
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by ccagle8 - 2010-03-16, 12:28:29
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by ragou - 2010-04-26, 11:36:04
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by Carlos - 2010-04-27, 00:45:11
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by James - 2010-08-27, 01:31:56
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by Carlos - 2010-08-27, 01:49:09
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by James - 2010-08-27, 01:55:52
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by Rene - 2010-08-31, 19:12:01
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by alessiosomma - 2011-05-20, 20:06:08
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by alessiosomma - 2011-05-20, 23:29:25
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by crashfellow - 2011-08-22, 08:42:09
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by mikeh - 2011-08-22, 11:23:04
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by crashfellow - 2011-08-22, 11:30:00
Plugin | Simple Analytics - by mikeh - 2011-08-25, 05:35:23

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