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Automatic Installations
Connie Wrote:Yannis,

welcome here!

I also thought once about a feature like this and it's pro and cons, but I think, for me, in my experience, there are more cons...

I do not agree with you, what is more simple than uploading files by FTP and voilá, the theme or the plugin is active?
An automatic uploader/installer is in my experience clicked too fast and too often

this for sure is a question of experience and knowledge, I know

Maybe you think of the pluginsmanager in CMSMadeSimple but I must tell you that feature is pain in the a....

and I remember / expect / fear a lot of trouble with folder rights etc. with integrated uploading and activating

The way it is done now gives a lot of freedom to the admin to decide which version of which plugin to install and it is really done in a few minutes

But I am not the deveoper, and this are just my personal five cents...

Cheers, Connie

Thanks Connie for your Answer!
I Still have a different opinion about this issue...
Lets think an installation of GetSimple. When you installing it for the first time, you don't have
anything to get starting. After the installation you have to downloading a lot of plugins to make
your site functional. Even the user administration coming as a plugin! So the solution of the simplicity
it belongs to the developers.
A first thought is to include many of the "most used" plugins and themes to the
installation of the GS.
A second thought is the creation of a plugin manager without any fear!!!
The most of the famous CMS using a plugin manager without any problem:
Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, Modx, Xoops, Typo3, Elxis etc.
Iam writing my opinion because I am seeing GetSimple to going being a Famous CMS
in the lightweight CMS arena!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Automatic Installations - by Yiannis - 2011-05-21, 17:42:39
Automatic Installations - by Connie - 2011-05-21, 18:32:36
Automatic Installations - by Yiannis - 2011-05-21, 21:18:34
Automatic Installations - by ccagle8 - 2011-05-21, 22:35:56
Automatic Installations - by Yiannis - 2011-05-21, 23:30:06
Automatic Installations - by Connie - 2011-05-21, 23:39:41
Automatic Installations - by datiswous - 2011-06-22, 13:24:44
Automatic Installations - by flamenco - 2011-06-25, 02:20:03
Automatic Installations - by ccagle8 - 2011-06-26, 02:37:01
Automatic Installations - by datiswous - 2011-07-01, 18:49:38

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