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A good workflow and application to develop themes (emb. font tip also)
Hello there Smile.

I'm looking for a good tool to develop themes, something that allows me to edit PHP, HTML and CSS comfortably and that provides fancy helpers also Smile.

I'm used to Linux systems but I have a Windows 7 license (from last xmas) so i really don't care too much for which platform it is. At the moment i'm using NetBeans and it's okay, but i don't mind to spend some gold pieces in a new software if it's worth the investment.

Also, is there something like an firefox extension that monitor the file changes and refresh the page, to test the changes on-tha-fly? I'm also using firebug to assist me, is it recommended? I dunno if there's a better way to do that. And i don't understand why the browsers takes some times (1sec?) to load a page that's on my PC.

Another thing that really annoys me is the fact that fonts embedded from googleapis takes some unacceptable time to load due to high latency from my country to google servers. Do you know if there's a way to use alternative servers or something? because the google search page has local servers. I don't want to host them in my own server because i fear people will load my fonts to their websites and i'm note good configuring apache to prevent that kind of robbery Smile.

Thank you very much.

Messages In This Thread
A good workflow and application to develop themes (emb. font tip also) - by Electabuzz - 2011-05-22, 11:38:17

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