I think there's a little bug in function nm_create_excerpt (plugins/news_manager/inc/functions.php line 156).
When using UTF-8 encoding (Polish in my example) and the latest character of excerpt is an UTF-8 two-byte character - it isn't properly displayed. Just a question mark instead of letter.
Adding fourth parameter (encoding as 'UTF-8') to function mb_substr solved problem.
Additionally I miss the 'custom excerpt' possibility from previous version of the plugin.
Maybe it'll be worth to consider to optionally return it back?
It was very good option for example to insert an image into such excerpt and to change its size for news list displaying.
When using UTF-8 encoding (Polish in my example) and the latest character of excerpt is an UTF-8 two-byte character - it isn't properly displayed. Just a question mark instead of letter.
Adding fourth parameter (encoding as 'UTF-8') to function mb_substr solved problem.
Additionally I miss the 'custom excerpt' possibility from previous version of the plugin.
Maybe it'll be worth to consider to optionally return it back?
It was very good option for example to insert an image into such excerpt and to change its size for news list displaying.