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Tutorials on Youtube PLEASE!
Hi there.
This seems like a great little cms. But as a right brained creative, i struggle with code and geek stuff.
So i request that some talented and helpful members might put together a few YOUTUBE Tutorials to help us code-challenged people. I am particularly confused by some of the plugins and how or why they are there.
For example, the CustomFields plugin has me stumped. For the enlightened members of this forum, its a walk in the park, for me and many others - the south side of the Eiger! It would be such a help.
Anyone up for it?

Messages In This Thread
Tutorials on Youtube PLEASE! - by designthing - 2011-06-10, 21:33:49
Tutorials on Youtube PLEASE! - by Connie - 2011-06-10, 21:42:48

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