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[wysiwyg] tynimce or other
In the backend settings there's an option called "Enable the HTML editor", maybe you haven't got it activated? Switching this on should show the CKeditor. It sounded as if you didn't get ANY editor.

Messages In This Thread
[wysiwyg] tynimce or other - by kirua46 - 2011-07-02, 04:23:06
[wysiwyg] tynimce or other - by polyfragmented - 2011-07-02, 04:32:38
[wysiwyg] tynimce or other - by kirua46 - 2011-07-02, 04:36:35
[wysiwyg] tynimce or other - by Connie - 2011-07-02, 04:52:23
[wysiwyg] tynimce or other - by Connie - 2011-07-02, 05:12:26
[wysiwyg] tynimce or other - by kirua46 - 2011-07-02, 06:05:16
[wysiwyg] tynimce or other - by Carlos - 2011-07-02, 06:23:51

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