2011-07-06, 22:47:07
mvlcek Wrote:Yes, I know - this is a "feature" of the supersized-script which I just included in the plugin. You are welcome to fix it, I haven't had time for it yet. If you do, please send me the correction so I can include it in the gallery.Hi,
I found it:
In supersized.3.1.3.js
432 if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){
433 options.fit_landscape && ratio <= 1 ? resizeWidth() : resizeHeight(); //If landscapes are set to fit
And the order of resizeHeight() : resizeWidth(); seems to be wrong as wel. So I changed to
432 if (1 >= ratio){//(browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio modbydey
433 options.fit_landscape && ratio <= 1 ? resizeHeight() : resizeWidth(); //If landscapes are set to fit
Center position:
In supersized.3.1.3.js
//Horizontally Center
if (options.horizontal_center){
//$(this).css('left', (browserwidth - $(this).width())/4);//modbydey
//Vertically Center
if (options.vertical_center){
$(this).css('top', (browserheight - $(this).height())/2);
in plugin_supersized.php
horizontal_center: 1, //Horizontally center background
So comment the line or change the option horizontal_center: to 0 and it work fine. I didn't test changing your php but it should work.
But anyway I'll not continue with supersized as it is not able to show real large pictures 1:1 for pixel peeping.
I'll post my final solution.
my getsimple page deynews.de