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Front End User Login Plugin (MySQL) - Need Testers
infomantra Wrote:Installed your plugin on GS v2.01. Got the following errors:

Admin page only loads up to "Edit Register Box CSS"
Call to undefined function i18n_r() in /plugins/user-login/ckeditor.php on line 9

I commented out the function call and was able to load the admin page.

When attempting to save the admin settings:
Call to undefined function safe_slash_html in /plugins/user_login.php on line 235

I copied the actual safe_slash_html function to file, then got this error
Call to undefined function asXML() in /plugins/user_login.php on line 252

Is this plugin compatable with GS v2.01? Or am I missing something?

This plugin draft is for 3.0 and up. Sorry about that, I probably should have expressed the version.

Messages In This Thread
Front End User Login Plugin (MySQL) - Need Testers - by mikeh - 2011-07-14, 00:32:35

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