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[Request] Client Login Plugin (Details inside)
RobA Wrote:Here is a zip of my file with this change.

-Rob A>
Placed the file, still gets 500 Error.
1st, the fancy URLs is off because it doesn't work for me... Say that you used a fancy URL in the code..
And 2nd, where should I put the files of the client?

BTW: Why did you put in "external comments"? Please make it step by step, I didn't even install the External Comments system because you (the community..) said that it won't be private...

Edit: Installed the "External Commenting" and now all it shows (besides that there's no Error 500 anymore) is "Powered by External Commenting" or stuff like that..

Edit: Set up the comment system and it's working, I'm using the Intense Debate system, which I think will be a little un-understandable for my clients, but that's what I've got at the moment. *Actually I can use another comment system... Without the "External Commenting", right? I just need to place the code instead of what you gave me - Can I? I mean, it's per client, I don't know...

Edit: It's alright, you can close the thread...
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Messages In This Thread
[Request] Client Login Plugin (Details inside) - by TDT-Alpha - 2011-07-14, 15:46:21

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