2011-08-31, 07:43:26
Connie Wrote:this looks very promising!
I did a first glance at the demo and your screenshots
and I suggest to add one field: currency
because I see:
Price: 60
and one suggestion: in the detail view, I would repeat the price as well
on the detail page: the back link is titled: "Back to Search Resul", wouldn't it be better "Back to the list"?
is there a language file?
"view details" and "read more" is the same
6) is it possible to add an order form?
Cheers, Connie
I will reply to each of your concerns Connie,
1: The reason I left price out was because I was not sure everyone would want that field.
If they did not need a price field, it might be difficult for them to go to the settings page and remove it.
Do you beleive I should add this in by default as well?
2: See Above
3: The Back To Search Results link is just a javascript back button that I put in my template, it is not part of the actual plugin.
I will put a help section page to the plugin and will add some tips and tricks including the back button coding
4: Not for everything. I will get started on making them
5: I will change "read more" to "view details"
6: An order form is going to be in the next update. I am debating how to integrate it with paypal.
Suggestions would be appreciated
Thanks for taking the time to test it out
n00dles101 Wrote:Wow, Really impressed.
I was working on something similar but will give up now cannot compete with this.. 8)
Have a small addition you might be interested in for the customfields for an image selector, which allows you to select an image that has already been uploaded to the site.
Add the following to line 62 of edit-2.php
Code:case "imagebox";
echo "<td>";
echo "<b>".$label.":</b><br />";
echo "<input onClick='window.open(\"../admin/filebrowser.php?CKEditorFuncNum=1&returnid=post-".strtolower($key)."&type=images\",\"mywindow\",\"width=600,height=500\")' class='text short' type='text' id='post-".strtolower($key)."' name='post-".strtolower($key)."' value='".$value."' /></td><td></td>";
Insert the follwoing around line 167 in configure-2.php
Code:<option value="imagebox" <?php echo @$def['type']=='imagebox' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> >Image Selector</option>
Thats it. When you click on an imagebox customfield you will be presented with the normal filemanager and just select the image you want and it will be inserted into the field.
Also a couple of small bugs.
o - menu item shows up as "index manager" until you go to settings and save.
o - getting "Notice: Undefined index: post-content in xxx\item_manager.php on line 300"
Otherwise another great addition to GS
Thanks for the image uploader addition (and bug reports)! I will add that into the next update.
n00dles101 Wrote:Hi Mike,
have an idea for the next release.
How about an option to allow you to assign your customfields to categories.
So this way setup all the Customfields you require for you site, then setup your categories.
then assign fields to categories.
When creating a new Item, you first give it a title, then select a category, then your presented with the fields for that category.
this way the plugin could be used for all sorts of things - galleries, blogs, events etc...
Thats a great idea. Maybe it can even offer categories within categories.
I am definitely adding this to the roadmap.