2011-09-14, 04:53:55
andyash Wrote:reff Wrote:Hi guysThere is a bug which adds \ before " in the html tags (with each edit it adds many more) thus messing up the entire code. I have tried to to use it to show random images but it messes up all the code and the images don't show up. If I manually edit and correct the mistakes in the file random_ads.xml, everything works fine but I need to know how to fix this bug since the moment I add an Ad it will mess up the code again.
I cannot get the plugin working correctly. All tags inside of an advertisement's text seem to be processed by PHP's htmlspecialchars() function. That's why none of ADs are shown properly. But everything's OK if I enter regular text without HTML tags inside.
Can anyone help?
can you please provide me an example of coding where it does this too?