2011-11-01, 06:21:02
Thanks, Rob. It looks beautiful but the link you posted for the plugin seems to redirect to my own account. Can you check it?
RobA Wrote:dondemaio Wrote:What we really need is a nice plugin. (Hint!)
Hey Don -
Here is a plugin to do this: http://get-simple.info/extend/admin/edit...php?id=254
it should be reasonably robust, and should prevent cross directory traversals.
There is a demo here:
Unzip the file to your plugin directory. You must edit the variable $simpledir_base in the simpledir.php file (default is):
$simpledir_base = "data/uploads/";
to be the directory you want brows-able.
Then create a page and include (% simpledir %) on that page - this will be replaced with a table.