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Fancy URLs not working
Sure thing. The phpinfo results tell me that I'm running PHP 5.2.6, on Linux and Apache. The GS version is 3.0, just downloaded today.

Literally everything on the Health Check says OK except for this: "/data/other/customfields.xml XML Invalid - Error!" i18n Custom Fields is no longer installed, but I did try it out at some point, so I assume this might have something to do with that.

I've contacted the server admin, so they will hopefully confirm or deny that mod_rewrite is active in the near future.

Messages In This Thread
Fancy URLs not working - by apatheticresistance - 2011-11-23, 18:01:38
Fancy URLs not working - by Connie - 2011-11-23, 18:06:54
Fancy URLs not working - by apatheticresistance - 2011-11-23, 18:26:26
Fancy URLs not working - by ccagle8 - 2011-11-24, 01:08:14
Fancy URLs not working - by BungaBungaTime! - 2011-12-13, 12:16:20
Fancy URLs not working - by chakvak - 2011-12-14, 13:29:53
Fancy URLs not working - by Noesis_Mik - 2011-12-15, 12:56:19
Fancy URLs not working - by chiara - 2012-04-06, 23:03:00
Fancy URLs not working - by alvares - 2012-06-26, 22:37:46
Fancy URLs not working - by andyhasit - 2012-10-03, 02:58:24

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