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Anonymous Data Plugin [Official GS Plugin]
I have been asked a lot over the last few months (turning into years) about what type of people are using GetSimple, and how they are using it. I never had answers, and I knew even if I polled the great community members in these forums, I would never see the whole picture.

In response to that, I've created a plugin that will be included in the 3.1 core that submits completely anonymous data back to our servers so that we can see the how/who/why/where (in completely anonymous data chunks) people are using our wonderful CMS product.

Once 3.1 has been out for a while, I will crunch the data and share with the community what we've collected. I feel this can be some very interesting data even though one submission is nothing to shake a stick at by itself - it will be very telling data when they are all aggregated together.

For starters, I want to assure everyone that there is absolutely no way I/we can tell who is submitting this data. Below is the type of XML file that gets sent to our servers. This is it - no other hidden data being sent - absolutely nothing else.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This is the data from the installation of GetSimple.

Let me explain a couple fields: The "install_date" is taken from the filetime of the /data/.htaccess file (which should never get overwritten during normal updates). This is meant as just a rough estimate - but should be useful information none-the-less. The "category" field is an optional dropdown that people can choose or not choose to set.

There are a few other software packages that do this too... DokuWiki comes to mind - so GetSimple will not be the odd piece of software that does this when no one else does.

Also, I'd like to make note that I purposely did NOT make this plugin i18n compatible. This is because due to the sensitive nature of this plugin, I wanted to make sure that the text stayed in my words, and not through a translator. I trust our developers, I just prefer to make sure the text stays mine.

Please add comments & problems to the plugin below. This plugin will only be compatible to GetSimple version 3.1 and higher.

I hope everyone understands how this data will be very beneficial to us understanding our users. Thanks!
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!

Messages In This Thread
Anonymous Data Plugin [Official GS Plugin] - by ccagle8 - 2011-12-12, 12:42:24

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