2011-12-16, 21:17:43
mvlcek Wrote:Do you call get_header() in the HTML head?Yes
html return is:
<meta name="description" content="Die meisten Bilder sind f&uuml;r gute
Qualit&auml;t mit 1600px abgelegt. Da dauert das Laden dann etwas l&auml;nger.
F&uuml;r Vollbild document.write( mit" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="generator" content="GetSimple" />
<link rel="canonical" href="http://deynews.de/index.php?id=gallery" />
Quote:Try to remove the (% gallery %) on top.is removed but I don't expect anything as the direct links from side menu results in same problem.
I still wonder why it works locally. Is permission 755 for diretories and 644 for files enough?
my getsimple page deynews.de