2011-12-17, 06:50:15
Quote:If You Are Not Using GS V3.1B:
open admin/settings.php
Around Line 125 paste the following code:
<?php exec_action('settings-user'); ?>
Hint: Paste the above code right after you see the below code:
$xml->addChild('LANG', $LANG);
I tried this but I get a syntax error when I add it under the line you said? Would it go right before this (# create website xml file) instead? Can you help I have version 3.0 and here is the code below from line 114 to 131 please help? Thanks
Where do I put it.
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<item></item>');
$xml->addChild('USR', $USR);
$xml->addChild('PWD', $PASSWD);
$xml->addChild('EMAIL', $EMAIL);
$xml->addChild('HTMLEDITOR', $HTMLEDITOR);
$xml->addChild('TIMEZONE', $TIMEZONE);
$xml->addChild('LANG', $LANG);
if (! XMLsave($xml, GSUSERSPATH . $file) ) {
$error = i18n_r('CHMOD_ERROR');
# create website xml file
createBak($wfile, GSDATAOTHERPATH, GSBACKUPSPATH.'other/');
$xmls = new SimpleXMLExtended('<item></item>');
$note = $xmls->addChild('SITENAME');
$note = $xmls->addChild('SITEURL');