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How does this CMS scale up? How many pages can I power?
Hi all,

First of all, I'm totally new to this CMS so I'm still in the process of studying it a little bit, but in general very well done. At first sight it looks great and simple! The idea behind it is fantastic in my opinion because most of the CMS out there are so incredibly (and uselessly) slow! This is a killer for usability and even SEO in my opinion.

This CMS looks perfect to power simple websites, but I'm even considering using it to power a website that should scale up to several hundred pages and I was wondering how you guys think this CMS scales up? In other words up to how many pages can I power with this system without getting problems and maintaining the great loading speeds I'm seeing right now while I test it on my server?

Many thanks in advance for any help. Wink
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London Design Studio

Messages In This Thread
How does this CMS scale up? How many pages can I power? - by svedish - 2011-12-29, 09:01:26

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