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Custom replacer for specific database plugin
Hi all,

I'm far from a PHP guru, especially when it comes to regular expressions.

I've been staring at the code from dynpages, RePlacer and mikeh's new faq, but i just can't seem to get my custom plugin to fetch code properly.

Essentially, I need a custom replace function that won't interfere with other string replacers. It needs to identify a function and possible arguments. The arguments may have spaces inside quotes. It's very similar to dynpages, but I need it for my own plugin that will be very specific for database queries.

I need this:
{# MyFunction variable1 "variable 2" #}

Where {# should be any unique identifier separate from any other plugins available, and where variables are infinite (or at least zero to four).

Again, this is extremely similar to dynpages, but I just can't wrap my head around regular expression among other stuff. I feel like a smarter coder could just cut-n-paste an answer, but I've already spent too much time on this.


Messages In This Thread
Custom replacer for specific database plugin - by benrusso - 2012-02-04, 03:57:19

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