2012-03-07, 08:00:56
Yes, I use the version 0.4 and version 0.5 I found here on the topic.
With the corrections of Luis.
Strange, very strange, now that uninstalled "squareit tabloader", the MLD is still running.
But still I say, did not change the settings after I started the post here.
With the corrections of Luis.
Quote:Sim, fiz o uso da versão 0.4 e da versão 0.5 que encontrei aqui no tópico.
Com as correções do Luis.
Strange, very strange, now that uninstalled "squareit tabloader", the MLD is still running.
Quote:Estranho, muito estranho, agora que desinstalei o "squareit tabloader", o MLD continua funcionando.
But still I say, did not change the settings after I started the post here.