2012-04-13, 19:07:54
m1k3y Wrote:Link to Components to in Pagedialog
I made a small plugin for that:
$thisfile = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
'Components in Admin Pages sidebar',
'Carlos Navarro',
'Adds shortcut link to Edit Components in Page Management sidebar',
add_action('pages-sidebar', 'sidebarcomponentslink');
function sidebarcomponentslink() { ?>
<li id="sb_components" ><a href="components.php" <?php check_menu('components'); ?> accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('SIDE_COMPONENTS'));?>" ><?php i18n('SIDE_COMPONENTS'); ?></a></li>
<?php }
// end of file
Save this as compoadminpages.php in your plugins folder.