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Automatic ping to search engines
Carlos Wrote:More or less the same as in post #13, but using a new filter (instead of an action):

function generate_sitemap() {
    $nositemap = exec_filter('replace-sitemap',FALSE); // a plugin could return TRUE here
    if ($nositemap) return TRUE;
    // ... GS code for generating the sitemap

Opinions? Better than a GSNOSITEMAP gsconfig setting as I also suggested?

Instead of all that, maybe just use a global for the sitemap itself (xml or array or object), before creating it, call the hook, if after the hook the global is no longer empty then something already made a sitemap for us so we exit.

Also i think exec_action uses call_user_func which is anonymous and will never get the return value, actually since exec action loops its not possible to even have a return, or else it would break the loop.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

Messages In This Thread
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-01-18, 06:56:31
RE: Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2014-02-01, 01:19:44
RE: Automatic ping to search engines - by likoud - 2015-05-20, 20:20:05
Automatic ping to search engines - by ccagle8 - 2012-01-18, 13:20:08
Automatic ping to search engines - by Connie - 2012-01-18, 19:09:07
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-01-19, 01:53:00
Automatic ping to search engines - by ccagle8 - 2012-01-19, 02:52:51
Automatic ping to search engines - by n00dles101 - 2012-03-30, 01:05:50
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-03-30, 03:45:35
Automatic ping to search engines - by ccagle8 - 2012-03-30, 23:38:37
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-07, 05:03:05
Automatic ping to search engines - by mvlcek - 2012-04-08, 05:12:49
Automatic ping to search engines - by mvlcek - 2012-04-08, 05:52:10
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-08, 18:06:19
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-12, 17:28:13
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-12, 17:32:30
Automatic ping to search engines - by shawn_a - 2012-04-19, 10:33:55
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-19, 19:56:26

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