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I18N Gallery - Thumb making
Dominic Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:Do you want to have a link to the image itself or to a page displaying the image (along with menu, etc.)?

Hi mvlcek,
I've been searching all over the forums for an answer to this exact problem and I haven't had my "ah-ha" moment yet with all the php, functions, and plugins, but it is pretty obvious you are the man with the answers so I will ask you since you have been so helpful with my menu issues.

I guess what I'm trying to build is a very simple photo blog, but I just haven't been able to wrap my head around the blog, news, and item manager plug ins. They all seem too complicated when all i want is a simple way to call thumbnails of child pages, and put a previous and next button on the child pages themselves. I want the links to go to actual pages, not just the image itself.

So here are basically I am trying to find the simplest way to...

1: I want to set up several stand-alone galleries for different categories of my artwork. On each master category page I just want to have the links to the artwork sub pages be rows of custom thumbnails that I set up on that category's child pages using your i18N custom fileds plugin.

2: I want to put "previous & next" buttons on each individual art page as well. The pages will be self contained in their own categories, (i don't need the previous and next button to jump to the next category in line.)

3: When it goes to the page displaying the individual image and information, is there a way to make the image enlarge, like a gallery pop up effect? (The photo enlargement isn't a high priority because i could just link it to open full size in a new window, but a pop up effect would look more professional.)

Once again, I appreciate your help and expertise.

Hi Dominic,

this is the plain html version of this; I have converted this template to GS, and I have the portfolio page using i18n Special Pages; the only thing i haven't finished yet is the previous and next buttons for the special pages view; in the end, the simplest way to do that might be to specify those links in the actual page, using 2 different 'link' fields; it depends on how automated it needs to be and how many images will be managed.

as far as pop up functionality, that's just basic prettyphoto and jquery; you're best off finding a template you like that already has that and then converting it to GS;

the way i have the portfolio special page configured, if you add any content to the special page, the grid thumbnail links to a detail page; if you leave the content empty, the image pops up into a lightbox gallery; there are many ways it can be configured based on preference;


Messages In This Thread
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by smogg - 2011-07-11, 20:20:54
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by mvlcek - 2011-07-11, 22:20:57
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by Dominic - 2012-02-04, 05:13:24
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by mvlcek - 2012-03-01, 07:31:56
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by alienee2 - 2012-04-23, 11:51:26
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by shawn_a - 2012-04-23, 23:30:51
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by alienee2 - 2012-04-24, 02:43:01
I18N Gallery - Thumb making - by shawn_a - 2012-04-24, 12:40:42

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