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Front end of site gone!!
Crap. This happened to me on Monday too and I just gave up and did a clean reinstall. I did have everything with various plugins working and was configuring i18n Special pages when I lost the front end. All the data is in the back end, the files are there, they just do not show up.

I have screwed something up, but I don't know what or how to troublehshoot this. I whent back to the last task I had done on the back end-adding some code to the special pages in view mode, and removed that, but it didn't restore the site. I also backtracked to the last couple things I did via FTP and deleted the files I had uploaded in case that was causing a conflict.

I am stumped and very bummed. This is the third install using 3.1.

Any suggestions for what to try next?

Messages In This Thread
Front end of site gone!! - by sarnaiz - 2012-05-17, 09:08:44
Front end of site gone!! - by Connie - 2012-05-17, 16:07:52
Front end of site gone!! - by leenm - 2012-05-17, 16:17:25
Front end of site gone!! - by sarnaiz - 2012-05-18, 05:26:08
Front end of site gone!! - by Connie - 2012-05-18, 16:59:54

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