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XMA: "X Minutes Ago" Script
Pretty neat

I think
$msg1 and $msg2 should be $prefix and $suffix, but I don't see why either are even necessary when they are not inside the actual calculated values and can be in your content instead.

Also it would be easier to turn your timestamp into a valid date stamp and simply pass it all as 1 argument.

Then its a 1 argument function, or maybe pass in the date string and the format string as 2 arguments.

I would love to get togather a plugin for useful component functions, maybe incorporate it into shortcodes or something.

Stuff like this age function, an unlitmate excerpt function, etc.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

Messages In This Thread
XMA: "X Minutes Ago" Script - by Angryboy - 2012-05-30, 23:25:58
XMA: "X Minutes Ago" Script - by shawn_a - 2012-05-31, 00:53:56
XMA: "X Minutes Ago" Script - by Angryboy - 2012-05-31, 01:24:08

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