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Sidebar to show for sub pages for each page?
So what you are saying is to get any of the sub pages I made I need to add all this code? I installed the I18N plugin which has taken over some of the default functions or they are just not working now. For example; I used to click a button to add keywords and description and set the page order if it's going in the menu. I can no longer get access to that. Now to put the pages in the order I want I need to do some drag n drop thing which only highlights the text and doesn't drag anything.

Is there really no other way to get access to sub pages? Was GS designed thinking people would only have one level of navigation? Or do I just have to bite the bullet and jump into the code you provided?

Messages In This Thread
Sidebar to show for sub pages for each page? - by mgilvey - 2012-08-29, 04:39:03

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