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Verschiedene Grafiken in Webseite einbinden "The Holford Theme"
earlybird Wrote:Hallo Connie,

macht nichts!
Danke für die "geopferte" Zeit :-)

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Excuse me writing in English. When I used the theme for I used a free script for selecting random images for the header. It is very simple to use but seems to be behave differently with different browsers, not always changing the image for a new page, but normally only on each visit or reload.

I should have credited the source, thanks for the reminder:
If I could get it to perform consistently I might include it in the theme.

Messages In This Thread
Verschiedene Grafiken in Webseite einbinden "The Holford Theme" - by Timbow - 2012-09-04, 21:32:55

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