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Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It)
Just finished my latest plugin for Get Simple. It's a simple image gallery, that works hand in hand with the file manager inside of Get Simple.

I hope you guys will find it useful and i'm looking to hear some feedback from you guys.

Google Code Project Page:

Latest Stable Version: 2.0

Change Log

v 2.0 - Released 05/19/2010
- Some CSS changes and improvements
- Added missing language variables
- Nailed down the jquery conflict bug.

v 2.0 - RC2 - Released 04/30/2010
- Added setting to turn on/of the title of the gallery
- Added caption text below image and a setting to turn on/off this feature
- Some CSS fixes
- Added GSG_VERSION constant to keep track of plugin version

v 2.0.0 - RC - Released 04/21/2010
- Added Settings page
- In settings page:
- Ability to change the language of the plugin.
- Ability to disable the include of jQuery, for users that might have conflicts with another plugin or template.

v 2.0.0 - Beta 3 - Released 04/13/2010
- Added Language Support
- Ability to put a caption to each image

v 2.0.0 - Beta 1&2 - Released 04/03/2010
- Added the ability to create multiple galleries
- Incorporated Admin Tab Loader, so that it's easier for user to use the plugin.
- Added jQuery.noConflict to avoid conflicts with other javascript frameworks
- Added credit section in Sidebar
- Improved the health check
- Expanded clickable area of image box in gallery, so that the entire box is clickable.
- Julian

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Messages In This Thread
Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It) - by juliancc - 2010-03-11, 06:34:20

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