2012-12-15, 22:55:51
My web site is about to go live this week and as such I would like some of your input in to the work ive done.
The layout is loosely based off of a theme here called mycompany. I did my own CSS styling and created the bulk of my own images including the monitor and slider ads and ad graphics with the exception of some of the icons.
I havent gone in to perform cleanup on my css code yet but will do that closer to the first ad campaign.
There still things im working on such as getting content collected and creating some childs for the services but I would like some input on the look of things.
I just used the theme as a visual inspiration all of the coding was done by hand by me.
The layout is loosely based off of a theme here called mycompany. I did my own CSS styling and created the bulk of my own images including the monitor and slider ads and ad graphics with the exception of some of the icons.
I havent gone in to perform cleanup on my css code yet but will do that closer to the first ad campaign.
There still things im working on such as getting content collected and creating some childs for the services but I would like some input on the look of things.
I just used the theme as a visual inspiration all of the coding was done by hand by me.