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50webs install problems

I've had a read through of all sorts and got nowhere. SO!

Uploaded GetSimple 3.1.2 to a subdirectory on a 50webs hosted site. Double checked it has the right PHP version running and SimpleXML. Yep.

Edited temp.htaccess to "RewriteBare /subdirectory/"

And all I get is: Error 500 - mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server

Removing Options -Indexes doesn't help.
Changing everything to 755 permissions doesn't help.
Turning on debugging in gsconfig.php doesn't produce any log files and the error message look exactly the same as it did before.
Renaming temp.htaccess * tempgsconfig.php (removing the temp) doesn't help. Nothing seems to help.

Anyone got any bright ideas?
Has anyone got GetSimple running on a 50webs server?

Messages In This Thread
50webs install problems - by Fluf - 2012-12-19, 06:40:22
RE: 50webs install problems - by shawn_a - 2012-12-19, 08:30:40
RE: 50webs install problems - by Fluf - 2012-12-19, 09:41:59
RE: 50webs install problems - by Fluf - 2012-12-21, 07:12:11
RE: 50webs install problems - by shovenose - 2012-12-23, 17:39:52

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