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Beginners & Newbies
I have been thinking. It's really hard to get started with GetSimple. The only documentation is a broken wiki. The extend is hard to navigate. There are no tutorials and how-tos. I keep seeing people arriving in the forum having tried to use redundant and abandoned plugins and wondering why they don't work and nobody can help. I myself spent six months installing tinymce every time because I didn't know that you could make the ckeditor useable. It can be difficult to find answers to even obvious questions like 'how do you make the sidebar different on different pages, or editable through the editor.

I presume everybody involved in GS wants to see the maximum and widest possible user base of pros, amateurs, designers, techies, one off users and everyone. I have some suggestions to make:
  • Clear out some of the abandoned plugins and themes that don't work from extend, or maybe have a better system for badging 'approved' add-ons.
  • Fix the wiki.
  • Make a forum group clearly marked 'Newbies Welcome Here'.
  • And another for user submitted Tutorials Tips Tricks and How-tos.
  • Rewrite the Mission Statement with a renewed commitment to user base, accessiblity and ease of use.

I would help with some of it. In fact while I have been ill over the holidayI have been writing stuff in my Unbound theme demo about how to get a gallery working and what plugins are easy to use.

Messages In This Thread
Beginners & Newbies - by Timbow - 2012-12-30, 21:00:09
RE: Beginners & Newbies - by Connie - 2012-12-31, 00:48:01
RE: Beginners & Newbies - by Timbow - 2012-12-31, 02:52:46
RE: Beginners & Newbies - by Connie - 2012-12-31, 18:40:25
RE: Beginners & Newbies - by shawn_a - 2012-12-31, 03:22:53
RE: Beginners & Newbies - by Timbow - 2012-12-31, 06:30:33
RE: Beginners & Newbies - by shawn_a - 2012-12-31, 10:02:05

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