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looking for a solution to manage global custom fields
(2013-02-07, 20:04:29)n00dles101 Wrote: @shawn, thanks , You'd think I'd know my own plugins ...

@yojoe, you can use my other plugin GS_Shortcodes plugin.
Create a file shortcodes.php in your theme folder and add the following code

WHen setting up a settings table I usually set it to a max records of 1.
Add all the fields and then just edit that 1 record.

Thx Mike, provided shortcode function looks nice.
I just need a small edit to check frontend language var, and add it automatically.

I'm still testing the DM possibilities, and I'm looking towards the way you mentioned: all fields in one row.
Since every row is saved in a standalone file, one-liner containing all variables should fetch, and display faster.

Btw. DM_getRecord function is dead simple, but it still isn't a one-line command. Still needs to be bind to a variable, to display fetched array value (or am I wrong?).
Slight change to add 3rd parameter, and echo the fetched value should simplify the usage.
Or you already thought about that ? Smile
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad

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RE: looking for a solution to manage global custom fields - by yojoe - 2013-02-07, 23:22:37

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