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Can we use Template engine for Get-Simple need suggestion from GS Team
Since I had to put a delay in my GS development... here is the code for the Template for the curious ones (it's slightly more than 1 KB :-) :

PHP Code:

class Template {

Template() {

    public static function 
factory() {
        return new 

    * Clear the templates variables
function clear() {

    * Set a template variable.
function set($name$value) {
$this->vars[$name] = $value;

    * Open, parse, and return the template file.
    * @param $_p_file string the template file name
    * (name obfuscated to avoid clashes with template variables names)
function fetch($_p_file) {
        if (!empty(
$this->vars)) {
extract($this->vars); // Extract the vars to local namespace
ob_start(); // Start output buffering
if (is_readable($_p_file)) {
$_p_file); // Include the file
} else {
debug('could not find file'$_p_file);
$contents ob_get_contents(); // Get the contents of the buffer
ob_end_clean(); // End buffering and discard
return $contents// Return the contents
// Template() 

A template looks like this:

PHP Code:
tittle><?= $title ?></title>
<h1><?= $title ?></h1>
<?= $content ?>

And can be called in the following way:

PHP Code:
$content '<p>...</p>';
set('title''my fancy title')->

You can put any php code into the template but you should really really try to avoid anything fancier than ifs, foreachs and echoes.


p.s.: it's trivial code, so consider it public domain...
p.p.s.: i have versions of it that optionally read from a string instead of a file...
p.p.p.s.: i have not tested the sample code above

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can we use Template engine for Get-Simple need suggestion from GS Team - by ale - 2013-02-24, 19:23:52

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