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What programs do you use to development?
I use both Mac and PC.

Mac Coding:
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Mozilla Firefox
Mac Design:
Adobe PhotoShop CS4
Adobe Illustrator CS4
Adobe FireWorks CS4

PC Coding:
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Mozilla Firefox
PC Design:
Adobe PhotoShop CS4
Adobe Illustrator CS4
Adobe FireWorks CS4
Adobe Indesign CS4

I absolutely love using Dreamweaver, its ease of use and so many capabilities make it in my opinion the
best option for serious coding. But yes it does come at a price.

I have to look into some of your guys software.

Oh and for Concept I use:
Key Note
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Access
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!

Messages In This Thread
What programs do you use to development? - by JWH_Matthew - 2010-03-22, 00:45:11
What programs do you use to development? - by sal - 2010-03-23, 16:34:04

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