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Admin from IPAD and uploading files

I have a client that wants the ability to upload images and mange his website from his IPAD (or other mobile device).

All text editing seems to work OK except for the ability to upload an image (an existing photo taken from the IPADS camer).

I have just tested this from your demo site and when the "Upload Image" button is pressed nothing appears. No error or window appears.

I have tried another CMS (Joomla) and a popup asking for "Take Photo" and "Choose Existing" appears on the IPAD.

Is there anyway to implement this feature with the UPLOAD image / file button in Get Simple. It would be really great for the ability to fully manage the "FILES" tab on an IPAD or other mobile device.

By the way I have also tested this on an android smartphone and the same limitation has occured.

Any help would be appreciated.

I have just enabled "Uploadify" in the gsconfig.php (ie remove the # before the statement) and this allows the IPAD to choose from the "Camera Roll" which is a workaround but this means when on a PC they can only upload one Pic at a time.

If anybody knows how to keep the standard "Image Upload" button (As on your demo website) but have it work for an IPAD then that would be great.


Messages In This Thread
Admin from IPAD and uploading files - by stryker - 2013-05-08, 12:44:59

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