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Non-Clickable Links for il8N Navigation?
So I take this code and make a component from it and call it it as a param in the get_nav function. Cool. Just dont know how to do the if/else

I've tried it but doesnt work.

<li class="<?php echo $item->classes; ?>">
  <?php if ($item->hasChildren) {
     <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->link); ?>">
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->text); ?>

} else {
     <?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->text); ?>
} ?>

  <?php if ($item->isOpen) { ?>
    <ul><?php $item->outputChildren(); ?></ul>
  <?php } ?>

Heck I'm such a PHP noob its embarassing!!Big Grin


Here is what I'm trying to achieve. Some of the list items weather or not they are parent or child are not click-able.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Non-Clickable Links for il8N Navigation? - by lnickel - 2013-05-25, 06:18:58

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