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Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It)
I know some of you will be happy to hear this announcement!! In my latest commit I added 2 surprises.
  • Captions
  • Languages Support

I've been trying to make this plugin as usable as possible and some of you have voiced your opinions, and I think this were 2 things that needed to be included in the release of 2.0

In the meantime feel free to check out 'trunk' from google code. at
and you will find that langage files will be in a folder called "lang" in the plugin folder.

If you create a language file... please post it here so that we can support as many languages as possible.

Right now I don't have a settings tab, that allows for easy change of language file.. but if you want to change it you can easily change the include file name in the squareit-gallery.php and processgallery.php.

I will try to create a zip file and upload it to google code, so that those that do not know how to use svn can download the BETA 3 file.

IMPORTANT: previous galleries are not compatible with this version. You will need to delete them and then re-create them. (sorry)

Also, this are BETA releases that are not recommended in production sites.
- Julian

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Messages In This Thread
Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It) - by juliancc - 2010-04-14, 01:46:44

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