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wysiwyg dissapears?

in case you are testing your migration locally on a Windows based Apache (like contained in the XAMPP package), read on.

Under above circumstances the CKEDITOR may disappear after some time of operation even without any changes to any files or content. I experienced that issue some time ago and finally found out why.

Reason is that the local Apache at that point in time starts delivering large files (more than some kilobytes) in a faulty manner (trash appears above(!) the http header). This in turn corrupts your large javascript files like ckeditor.js when the browser loads it from your Apache. The browsers javascript engine throws an error like 'CKEDITOR is undefined' causing the WYSIWYG to disappear.

This is a known Windows specific issue with Apache memory mapping and can be fixed by editing the httpd.conf file of your Apache. Search for "EnableMMAP off" and remove the comment # from that line. Save the httpd.conf and restart(!) the Apache. The problem is gone afterwards.

As I said earlier, this applies to local Windows Apache testing only.


Messages In This Thread
wysiwyg dissapears? - by rune1980 - 2013-12-29, 02:44:02
RE: wysiwyg dissapears? - by Carlos - 2013-12-29, 06:53:24
RE: wysiwyg dissapears? - by shawn_a - 2013-12-29, 09:56:40
RE: wysiwyg dissapears? - by Connie - 2013-12-31, 00:54:25
RE: wysiwyg dissapears? - by Transfer - 2014-01-01, 03:48:08

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