2014-01-16, 18:06:52
Logon use the last used admin's language, if available through cookie:
otherwise, look in lang folder for a candidate:
If more than 1 language available, i.e. almost always true if you're running GS with a translation AND 'forgot' to delete the original english texts, the english is picked'up as 'fallback'!
The 'solution': Move the en_US.php file somewhere else... and make sure you have only your translation in this folder
Logon use the last used admin's language, if available through cookie:
PHP Code:
if (isset($_COOKIE['GS_ADMIN_USERNAME'])) {
$LANG = $datau->LANG;
otherwise, look in lang folder for a candidate:
PHP Code:
if(!isset($LANG) || $LANG == '') {
$filenames = getFiles(GSLANGPATH);
$cntlang = count($filenames);
if ($cntlang == 1) {
$LANG = basename($filenames[0], ".php");
} elseif($cntlang > 1) {
$LANG = 'en_US';
include_once(GSLANGPATH . $LANG . '.php');
If more than 1 language available, i.e. almost always true if you're running GS with a translation AND 'forgot' to delete the original english texts, the english is picked'up as 'fallback'!
The 'solution': Move the en_US.php file somewhere else... and make sure you have only your translation in this folder