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Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It)
chefbyte Wrote:Glad you have added captions to the pictures. Now comes my next step request.
Adding the inputted text in the captions to show under each thumbnail on the generated page? is that doable or is that up to me to add to the template I am using?

It's something that I would have to offer as a setting. I mean, you can tweak the function that displays the gallery to do that, but with upgrades you might loose the customization. I'm trying to see how to create like a plugin system or something that you can attach to my plugin and extended. This way you are not forced to use facybox, you would be able to use any gallery display script.

I'm open for suggestions. In the mean time, I will try to do your request and add it as a setting.

- Julian

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Messages In This Thread
Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It) - by juliancc - 2010-04-30, 00:50:09

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