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Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It)
juliancc Wrote:Just finished my latest plugin for Get Simple. It's a simple image gallery, that works hand in hand with the file manager inside of Get Simple.

I hope you guys will find it useful and i'm looking to hear some feedback from you guys.

Google Code Project Page:

Latest Stable Version: 1.1.0

Release Candidate 2 for v2.0:

Change Log

v 2.0 - RC2 - Released 04/30/2010
- Added setting to turn on/of the title of the gallery
- Added caption text below image and a setting to turn on/off this feature
- Some CSS fixes
- Added GSG_VERSION constant to keep track of plugin version

v 2.0.0 - RC - Released 04/21/2010
- Added Settings page
- In settings page:
- Ability to change the language of the plugin.
- Ability to disable the include of jQuery, for users that might have conflicts with another plugin or template.

v 2.0.0 - Beta 3 - Released 04/13/2010
- Added Language Support
- Ability to put a caption to each image

v 2.0.0 - Beta 1&2 - Released 04/03/2010
- Added the ability to create multiple galleries
- Incorporated Admin Tab Loader, so that it's easier for user to use the plugin.
- Added jQuery.noConflict to avoid conflicts with other javascript frameworks
- Added credit section in Sidebar
- Improved the health check
- Expanded clickable area of image box in gallery, so that the entire box is clickable.

hello julian everything good?
Congratulations on your plugin is very good.
I'm having a problem with version v 2.0 - RC2.
when i install the plugin in getsimple content disappears.

add up everything, does not open any page it appears only the the sidebar.

What can it be happening?

thanks and hugs

Messages In This Thread
Simple Image Gallery Plugin (Square It) - by kaiocobain - 2010-05-05, 22:19:41

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